27 June 2021
Small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs) account for over 90% of all businesses and around 70% of jobs worldwide. Today, on International SMME Day, we acknowledge both the responsibility bigger businesses such as ours have in supporting SMMEs through procurement of goods and services, and the vital role they play in developing economies such as USA’s. In such economies, it is estimated that up to 40% of total national income is generated by SMMEs.
We are proud to showcase on this international day of recognition, our relationship with just one such business. The Geluksdal Youth Forum, a small/medium-sized enterprise contracted by us since 2016 to help us vegetate our Brakpan tailings storage facility (TSF). The forum employs a total of 15 men and women whose job it is to grow, plant and manage indigenous trees along the TSF as part of our dust containment initiatives.
All 15 people employed in the enterprise – a manager, supervisor, co-ordinator, driver and 11 grower/planters – are drawn from Geluksdal, one of the “gate” communities of our Ergo operation in Ekurhuleni. During our association, the team has learned the skills and developed the experience needed to nuture the trees from seedlings to adulthood. Within their tree nursery environment, they also grow vegetables for their own use.